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ICKM 2009: The 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management


jointly held with


KSS 2009: The 10th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences


December 3-4, 2009

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China 


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Conference Photos

Conference Handouts

Conference Proceedings: Series on Innovation and Knowledge Management - Vol. 8



The International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM) provides top researchers and practitioners from all over the world in Knowledge Management a forum for discussion and exchange. Since the first ICKM was held in Singapore in 2004, subsequent conferences have been held in Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A. (2005); Greenwich, London, U.K. (2006); Vienna, Austria (2007); and Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. (2008). In 2009, ICKM will be held at The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.


ICKM 2009 will feature invited keynote presentations, panels on topical issues (e.g. management, technology, business, and public policy), refereed paper presentations on emerging and continuing business and research issues, and workshops on new areas of knowledge management.


The theme of ICKM 2009 is “Managing Knowledge for Global and Collaborative Innovations.” Finding effective ways of collaboration is one of the most challenging tasks for individuals and organisations faced with complex, global, and interconnected issues. Collaboration is more than just being connected through the internet and various forms of professional, business and social networks. Collaboration through information and communication technologies also requires us to "prepare the mind" for partnerships. Many of our traditional business models, public organisational structures, and educational systems are not yet ready for new forms of decision-making, problem-solving and collaboration that goes beyond organisational boundaries. Concepts like "open innovation", "value networks", "wisdom of crowds" are some of the ideas that influence our thinking on collaboration and information sharing.


This conference aims to facilitate dialogue among experts in the academe and the industry. The exchange of insights on related issues will boost up research momentum and contribute to the advancement of knowledge management as a discipline. 


The conference will be organized into several tracks covering a wide range of topics:


Track 1: Global Collaborations and Innovations

  • Knowledge Management and Collaboration
  • Inter-organizational Knowledge and Information Flows between Organizations
  • New Models of Virtual Real-Time Collaboration, 3-D Collaborative Environments
  • Collaborative Technologies and Cultures, Collaboration 2.0
  • KM in Synchronous and Asynchronous Collaborative Environments
  • Knowledge Networks and Ecologies
  • Measuring the Intangible Value of Collaboration


Track 2: Semantic Technologies and Web 2.0 Tools

  • Ontologies and Semantic Technologies
  • Web 2.0 and Knowledge Management
  • Convergence of Audio, Video and Web Conferencing
  • Enterprise 2.0 and Social Networking Software


Track 3: Soft KM Tools and Techniques

  • Appreciative Inquiry, After Action Review/Reporting, Lessons Learnt Inventory
  • Use of Near-misses for Quality Improvement
  • Knowledge Management and Game Theory
  • Strategic Knowledge Management
  • Human Interpersonal and Group Communication
  • Narratives, Stories and Anecdotes for Learning and Knowledge Transfer


Track 4: Copyright, Creative Commons and Ethical Issues in a Knowledge Economy

  • The Impact of Creative Commons on Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
  • Social and Ethical Issues of (Virtual) Collaboration


Track 5: KM in Education

  • KM in Universities: Interdisciplinary Research and Scholarly Collaboration
  • Strengthening School Collaboration through KM


Track 6: KM in Government

  • From e-Government to Participatory Government
  • e-Information Management in Government


Track 7: KM in NGOs & Nonprofit organizations

  • KM for Social Change and Innovation
  • Social and Value Networks in Business and Non-profit Environments


Track 8: KM in Libraries and Information Sectors


Track 9: KSS: The 10th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences


ICKM 2009 encourages submission of high-quality research reports in knowledge management and its related areas. Submitted papers should not have been submitted for review, accepted for publication, nor published elsewhere. Papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance and clarity. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected manuscripts will be invited for submission to special issues in some of the distinguished knowledge management related journals. There will be awards for the Best Conference Paper, the Best Theme Paper and the Best Student Paper.


Important Dates

Full paper submission: July 15, 2009 - Notification of full paper acceptance: August 21, 2009

Research in progress or workshop proposal submission: Sept. 20, 2009 - Notification of the acceptance: Oct. 3, 2009

Practitioner presentation Submission: Nov. 3, 2009

Conference: December 3-4, 2009


Full Paper, Practitioner Presentation, Research in Progress or Workshop Proposal Submission

Full papers should be no longer than 12 pages, according to the ICKM Proceedings Format. For general enquiries on submitting a full paper, practitioner presentation, or others, you may contact the Conference Secretary at ickm2009@gmail.com.


For more specific enquiries related to full paper submission, please contact any one of the Academic Program Chairs: Prof. Patrick Chau (Pchau@business.hku.hk), Prof. Eric Tsui (Eric.Tsui@polyu.edu.hk), or Prof. Christian Wagner (iscw@cityu.edu.hk). For practitioner presentation proposals, please contact Conference Co-Chair in Business - Ms. Waltraut Ritter (ritter@knowledgedialogues.com). For workshop proposals, please contact Workshop Co-Chairs: Mr. Trevor Lui (Trevor.lui@okia.com) or Mr. Mark Pixley (mark@leadershipinc.com.cn).


Full papers accepted by the conference have a chance to be published in one of the following journals:




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